Species and distribution characteristics of entomogenous fungi in Shanxi Province
Investigation on entomogenous fungi and their geographical distribution in Shanxi Province was conducted for the period 1996 ~ 2005. A number of field data collection, isolation, culturing and identification was performed. The study reveals that Shanxi Province is rich in entomogenous fungi diversity. About 72 species of 17 genera of fungi are believed exist in the province. Among the fungi collection, 63 species are collected from four national nature reserves in the province, 12 from six major forest areas and another 22 species from the area around Taiyuan. This respectively represents 64.9%, 12.4% and 22.7% of the species collection. Most of the species come from the three major nature reserves of Pangquangou, Manghe and Lishan. The investigation also indicates that Aspergillus Micheli ex Fries, Penicillium Link ex Fries, Paecilomyces Bainier and Fusarium Link ex Fries are the dominant groups of entomogenous fungi. They account for 59.7% of the species collection.