
Effect of diatomite application on rice yield, methane emission and temperature sensitivity of methane emission under the ratoon rice

  • 摘要: 明确硅藻土与氮肥配施对再生稻模式下甲烷排放及其温度敏感性的影响, 对稻田生态系统温室气体减排具有重要意义。本研究于2022—2023年在湖北荆州市开展2年大田试验, 比较了3种施肥处理氮肥施用(N)、氮肥与硅藻土配施(N+Si)、不施氮肥(CK)下再生稻田CH4排放及其温度敏感性的差异, 同时分析了再生稻产量和稻田土壤性质的变化。两年结果表明: 与CK处理相比, N和N+Si处理均显著增加了再生稻两季产量, 以及再生稻头季CH4累积排放量与CH4排放强度(P<0.05)。与N处理相比, N+Si处理使两年头季稻产量显著增加3.75%和3.85% (P<0.05), CH4累积排放量显著降低39.0%和26.0%(P<0.05); CH4排放强度头季降低43.51%和26.52%, 再生季降低18.65%和41.14% (P<0.05)。相关性分析显示, 土壤性质对CH4排放通量的影响在不同处理以及水稻生长季不同时期存在显著差异。头季 CH4排放通量与土壤氧化还原电位呈显著负相关(P<0.05), 再生季CH4通量与土壤温度和土壤铵态氮呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。在头季持续淹水期间, CH4排放通量与土壤温度显著正相关, 并且N+Si处理下CH4排放的温度敏感性(Q10)值最高, 为8.8640, 这意味着添加硅藻土使CH4通量对温度变化更为敏感。综上所述, 硅藻土的施用借助影响土壤氧化还原电位、土壤温度等关键因子, 调节CH4排放, 有助于实现稻田生态系统减排增产目标。


    Abstract: Understanding the effect of nitrogen (N) fertilizer and diatomite application on methane (CH4) emissions and the temperature sensitivity (Q10) of CH4 emissions under the ratoon rice system is crucial for optimizing greenhouse gas emissions from paddy ecosystems. A two-year field experiment was conducted from 2022 to 2023 in Jingzhou city, Hubei Provice. Three treatments were set up on this study site: N fertilizer application (N), N fertilizer combined with diatomite application (N+Si), and no N fertilizer application (CK). The CH4 fluxes were measured by using a closed-chamber method. The rice yield and soil properties were observed. Results showed that compare to CK treatment, both N and N+Si treatment could significantly increase the rice yield of main season and ratoon season(P<0.05). And N+Si treatment significantly increased the rice yield of main season by 3.75%−3.85%(P<0.05), compare with N treatment. The cumulative CH4 emissions of the entire growth period (main season and ratoon season) in both N and N+Si treatments were significantly higher than CK treatment(P<0.05). But, N+Si treatment significantly reduced the cumulative CH4 emissions by 23.73%−41.36% in the main season, 17.13%−37.49% in the ratoon season, and 25.99%−36.66% in the entire growth season, respectively (P<0.05) compare with N treatment. Consequently, N+Si treatment significantly reduced CH4 emissions of per unit yield in both the main season and ratoon season by 26.52%−43.51%, and 18.65%−41.14% (P <0.05), respectively, compare with N treatment. Correlation analysis revealed that the influences of soil properties on CH4 fluxes were quite differences among treatments and period of rice growing season. The CH4 fluxes was significantly decreased with the soil Eh (P<0.05) in the main season (P <0.05). But in the ratoon season, the CH4 fluxes were significantly increased with soil temperature and soil NH4+-N (P<0.05). The CH4 emission was also significantly positively influenced by the soil temperature during the period of conventional irrigation in the main season. The N+Si treatment had the highest Q10 of CH4 fluxes with the value of 8.8640, indicating that the addition of diatomite made CH4 fluxes more sensitive to temperature changes. In conclusion, as a sustainable fertilizer management, combined application of nitrogen fertilizer and diatomite not only increase the yield of ratoon rice but also effectively reduces the CH4 emissions from ratoon rice system.


