刘维哲, 王西琴. 农户分化视角下农业水价政策改革与节水技术采用倾向研究−基于河北地区农户调研数据[J]. 中国生态农业学报 (中英文), 2022, 30(1): 166−174. DOI:10.12357/cjea.20210330
引用本文: 刘维哲, 王西琴. 农户分化视角下农业水价政策改革与节水技术采用倾向研究−基于河北地区农户调研数据[J]. 中国生态农业学报 (中英文), 2022, 30(1): 166−174.DOI:10.12357/cjea.20210330
LIU W Z, WANG X Q. Agricultural water price policy reform and water saving technology adoption tendencies from the perspective of farmers’ differentiation: Based on a survey in Hebei Province[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2022, 30(1): 166−174. DOI:10.12357/cjea.20210330
Citation: LIU W Z, WANG X Q. Agricultural water price policy reform and water saving technology adoption tendencies from the perspective of farmers’ differentiation: Based on a survey in Hebei Province[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2022, 30(1): 166−174.DOI:10.12357/cjea.20210330


Agricultural water price policy reform and water saving technology adoption tendencies from the perspective of farmers’ differentiation: Based on a survey in Hebei Province

  • 摘要:作为农业水资源管理机制的重要创新, 农业水价政策改革旨在从需求侧管理角度出发引导农民进行灌溉行为的调整。本文以河北农业水价改革地区为研究对象, 实证检验了水价政策改革对节水技术采用的影响, 并基于技术属性和禀赋差异探讨了农户分化在技术采用中的倾向差异。研究发现: 1) “超用加价”模式的水价政策改革显著促进了节水技术的使用; 2)农户分化导致了节水技术选择中存在倾向差异, 低兼业农户倾向于使用抗旱品种和传统节水技术, 高兼业农户倾向于仅使用抗旱品种, 水价改革并未有效促进农户使用喷灌、滴灌等现代节水设施; 3)提升农民对节水技术有效性认知和水资源稀缺预期, 降低农民对节水技术使用的风险性感知可有效促进农户使用节水技术, 家庭非农就业程度对节水技术采用具有显著负向影响。未来应进一步推进水价政策改革试点, 同时需关注节水技术属性特点进行针对性推广。

    Abstract:Agricultural water price policy reform is an important innovation in agricultural water resource management that aims to guide farmers in adjusting their irrigation behavior in response to demand-side management. In this study, we considered the agricultural water price reform in Hebei Province as the research topic and use empirical tests to assess the influence of water price policy reform on farmer adoption of water-saving technology. Herein, we discussed the differences in farmer perspectives regarding the adoption of water-saving technology based on technical attributes and variation in farmers endowment. The results indicated that: 1) the “raising price for exceeding amount” water price policy reform mode altered the relative economy of water-saving technology usage and promoted the use of water-saving technologies. 2) Farmer differentiation led to differences in water-saving technology selection; more specifically, low part-time farmers (proportion of non-agricultural income < 50%) preferred to use drought-resistant varieties and traditional water-saving technologies, whereas high part-time farmers (proportion of non-agricultural income > 50%) preferred to use drought-resistant varieties only. Additionally, the water price policy reform did not effectively promote the use of sprinkler and drip irrigation of farmers. 3) Improving farmer awareness of the effectiveness of water-saving technology and the reality of water scarcity forecasts, as well as reducing the risk perception of farmers to the use of water-saving technology, effectively benefited the adoption of water-saving technology. Finally, the degree of non-agricultural employment was found to have a significant negative impact on the local use of water-saving technology. Based on these results, we suggested the following implications for policy: 1) the continuation of vigorous agricultural water price policy reform promotion and the improvement of the reform system and mechanism design; 2) the strengthening of water-saving technology advocation and ensuring the appropriate promotion of technical attribute characteristics;. 3) focusing on differences in the endowments of farmers and striving to alleviate endowment constraints; 4) increasing publicity efforts aiming to enhance farmer awareness of water-saving technologies and water regimes, as well as helping farmers establish the appropriate water-saving awareness and water use concepts. This study provides empirical support for the practical effects of water price policy reform. Additionally, it is subdivided according to the attribute differences of various water-saving technology elements and describes farmers irrigation adaptation behavior in detail.

