Abstract:To find the relationship between
Solidago canadensisL. allelopathy and resource competitiveness in the process of invasion, allelopathy and competition separation-based bioassay (ACS) approach was used to analyze
S. canadensisL. response under different nitrogen supply. The results show that the invasive plant
S. canadensisL. has a high ability to interfere with target wheat plant. It is highly stable and very competitive, and its allelopathic potential increases with decreasing nitrogen supply in cocultured systems. The reverse is true for the native species of
S. decurrensLour., which has a lower allelopathic potential at all nitrogen supply levels and a low resource competitiveness under normal to rich nitrogen supply. However,
S. decurrensLour. has a remarkably high ability to compete for resources under low nitrogen supply, believed to be induced by co-culture system competition.