A wind tunnel simulation experiment was performed to quantitatively determine soil wind erosion and wind profile in the 25 ~ 250 mm soil layer under two stubble heights (20 cm and 40 cm) and two stubble modes (stubble with stem and overpowered stubble after harvest). The relationship between soil erosion rate and wind velocity was analyzed. The results show that NS (no-tillage with high stubble at spring wheat harvest) treatment under wind velocity below 20 m·s
-1 significantly reduces soil wind erosion (P < 0.05). Compared with conventional tillage and NPS40 (leaving 40 cm stubble at spring wheat harvest), wind speed of NS40 (no-tillage with 40 cm stubble at spring wheat harvest) treatment decreases by 87.84% and 5.89%, respectively. This indicates that NS40 not only has the lowest wind erosion but the best effect on preventing wind erosion. A power function relation exists between wind erosion rate (Q)and wind velocity (V) under conventional tillage, while a quadratic function relation exists between Q and V under no-tillage treatment.