The progress of research on sugarcane intercropping
摘要: 本文综述了甘蔗间作种植的研究现状, 展望了未来甘蔗间作研究的重点方向。合理的甘蔗间作可以促进作物生长, 提高光能利用率, 使作物耗地和养地很好地结合, 提高土壤肥力, 减轻农作物病虫草害的发生。同时针对目前甘蔗间作系统间作优势机理研究的空白, 提出今后应加强甘蔗间作系统中养分吸收利用的机理研究, 加强营养元素在间作系统中的转移特征及环境因素对其影响的相关研究。Abstract: This paper is a brief view of ongoing advances in sugarcane intercropping research and key future research directions on sugarcane intercropping. Reasonable sugarcane intercropping system enhances crop growth and light interception, ensures simultaneous soil exhaustion and restoration with enhanced soil nutrition, and reduces the incidence of pest and disease. However, there exists limited study on the mechanisms of beneficial ecological effects of sugarcane intercropping. Future research should therefore focus on nutrition uptake, utilization and transfer mechanisms, and the relationships among nutrition transfer and environmental factors under intercropping.