孙全德, 白有善, 韩俊杰. 麦茬稻壮秧稀植最化指标与配套技术[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 1996, 4(1): 65-67.
引用本文: 孙全德, 白有善, 韩俊杰. 麦茬稻壮秧稀植最化指标与配套技术[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 1996, 4(1): 65-67.
Sun Quande, Bai Youshan, Han Junjie. Quantitative index and techniques for sound seedling and thin planting of rice after wheat harvested[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 1996, 4(1): 65-67.
Citation: Sun Quande, Bai Youshan, Han Junjie. Quantitative index and techniques for sound seedling and thin planting of rice after wheat harvested[J].Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 1996, 4(1): 65-67.


Quantitative index and techniques for sound seedling and thin planting of rice after wheat harvested

  • 摘要:对麦茬稻进行了品种、密度、育秧、施肥、喷剂试验。结果表明,壮身稀植与高穗重品种、N素V字施肥是统一的。提出高产理想株型、稀植程度和产量结构,肯定了湿润育秧方式,证实了N、P、K、Zn配合、施Si、喷胆碱复合物和水稻微肥的增产作用。

    Abstract:Experiments on rice varieties,density,seedling raising,fertilizer application and spraying were carried out. The results showed that sound seedling and thin planting coordinated with large heavy ear rice variety and V-fertilizing of Nfor groving rice after wheat harvested. Ideal type of plant,rational density of thin planting and favorable yield structure were necessary for high yield of the rice.The results also confirmed that yield of the rice could be increased by wet raising seedlings,combination of N,P,K and Zn fertilizers,application of Si,spraying bilineurine compound and minor elements.

