Study on oxytetracycline-treated wastewater as agricultural irrigation water
摘要: 以土霉素处理废水灌溉玉米和谷子试验结果表明,农作物适量灌溉土霉素处理废水可缓解农业用水短缺,增加作物产量,且土霉素处理废水污灌未对种植土壤造成污染,并具改良土壤和增加肥效的作用.Abstract: The irrigation experiments of corn and millet by using the oxytetracycline-treated wastewater show that the proper discharge and time of the irrigation can not only solve the problem of the irrigation water shortage but also increase the crops output.The sewage after trea tment does not add any burden to ecological agriculture but improves the soil and increases the output of farm product.