RAPD technique is used tO study the genetic relationship among 4 kinds of aba~ne.The results show that total 538 DNA bands are scoped by 20 effective primers in 4 kinds of abalone,of which 136 DNA bands are reprod ucibly polymorphic,and the percentage of polymorphic products is 25.3% ;the genetic distance and genetic identity between
Haliotis discus discus and
H .discus hannai are 0.28,0.72 respectivdy,those between
H .diversicolor diversicolor and
H .diversicolor supertexta are 0.32,0.68 respectively.In the results of cluster analysis,
H .discus discus and
H .discus hannai are pooled into one group,they both are genetically closer;
H.diversicolor diversicolor and
H .diversicolor SUpertexta are pooled into another group,they both also&re genetically closer.