Benefits analysis of bamboo-chicken agroforestry system pattern
摘要: 研究结果表明竹林-鸡农林系统模式生态效益和社会效益显著,该模式运行3年后其水土侵蚀模数由年870t/hm2减至年2~3t/hm2,土壤有机质、全N、全P和全K分别提高71%、40%、93%和102%;年增加农村就业劳动力1200工/hm2,农户年增纯收入10余万元,其中鸡子系统经济贡献率占90%以上。Abstract: There are good social and ecological benefits in bamboo-chicken agroforestry system pattern.The soil erosion has reduced from 870t/hm2 per year before the system building to 2~3t/hm2 per year now;soil organic matter,total N,total P and total K have separately increased by 71%,40%,93%and 102%;at the same time 1200 person·day/hm2·year is increased.The net income of the farmer is more than 0.1 millon Yuan,including 90% from chicken subsystem.