Calculation and analysis of agricultural ecological footprint in Bashang Plateau, Hebei Province—A case study of Shangyi County
摘要: 本研究以河北省尚义县为例对坝上地区农业发展的可持续程度进行分析,发现尚义县的农业发展仍处于一种较为严重的不可持续状态,2000年尚义县农业人均生态赤字为0.36hm2,从近6年的状况看,其农业发展已经开始出现好转趋向。Abstract: The agricultural ecological footprint of Shangyi County from 1998 to 2003 was calculated and analyzed.Results indicate an agricultural ecological deficit of 0.36hm2/cap. in 2000.During the six years under review,there is an initial increase in agricultural deficit but then a steady decrease after 2001.This implies an intensification of agricultural development after 2001.