Effect of cropping system on yield of strawberry and soil biological property under plastic greenhouse condition
A 4-year experiment was conducted in plastic greenhouse to determine the effect of three different cropping systems strawberry-solarization (strawberry monoculture with solarization to inhibit pathogens), strawberry-rice rotation, and straw-berry-melon rotation on the yield of strawberry, soil microbes and soil enzyme activity. The results show that both the yield and economic output of strawberry increase under strawberry-solarization and strawberry-rice rotation compared with strawberry-melon rotation. Soil pH increases but salt accumulation and wilting disease declines under the two cropping systems. Compared with strawberry-melon rotation, both strawberry-solarization and strawberry-rice rotation increase soil microbial amount. And the microbe composition changes in two systems with 95.92%~96.21% bacteria population, while bacteria population proportion is 89.91% under strawberry-melon rotation. The ratio of bacteria to fungi under strawberry-solarization and strawberry-rice rotation is 9 times higher than that under strawberry-melon rotation. Soil invertase activity is also enhanced under strawberry-rice rotation and strawberry -solarization. The findings of the study suggest that "wet-drought" crop rotation such as strawberry-solarization and strawberry-rice rotation can eliminate soil restrictions to realize sustainability of production.