Character evolution and branch classification of Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. et Coss.
In this paper, 67 B. juncea germplasm resources were used to determine character evolvement and branch classification based on 52 morphological traits by the maximum synchronization method. In the study, Cleome spinosa Jacq. from Capparidaceae was used as out-group. The results showed unique, homochronous or asnychromous evolution rules of basal leaves, leaves in elongated stems, bolting stem leaves and flowers traits of B. juncea. Sixty-seven B. juncea germplasm resources were classified into two groups, wild and cultivated groups. Regardless of whether the germplasms was wild or cultivated, germplasms of a group always came from one region or different regions with similar climatic conditions. The results indicated similarity in character evolution of B. juncea germplasm resources that was closely related with geographical and climatic backgrounds of the origins.